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Mango Mountain 2007 year granted 37 acres

Nunley Homestead 2006 year granted 35 acres

Shiloh Mountain 2006 year granted 35 acres

Tonto Ridge 2006 year granted 35 acres

Conservation Values Protected

  • Scenic Open Space: These four easements are located on contiguous properties owned by the same landowner. Another easement with the same landowner is nearby, creating 142 contiguous acres of protected land. These easements border BLM land and the Arapaho National Forest, from which the public has scenic views of a working agricultural ranch.
  • Wildlife Habitat: The property is in the Upper Montane region of the Southern Rocky Mountains and provides relatively natural habitat for many species of wildlife associated with the high-elevation beaver ponds and wetlands along Gold Run, a creek than runs through all four easements. The wetlands and plant communities on the property provide food, shelter, breeding grounds, and migration for several wildlife species. In addition to a diversity of avian species, which includes the greater sage grouse, blue grouse, and several species of hawks, the property provides habitat for mountain lion, red fox, coyote, elk, moose, mule deer, and black bear. The property is part of an important elk migratory corridor that includes the Trail Creek drainage and the C Lazy U Ranch to the east, and the meadows and riparian habitat of Willow Creek to the south and west.